Songs featuring choirs

The inspiration for this themed show (which then turned into two shows) was the new Sufjan Stevens record Javelin and its return to heart-swelling choral parts that emphasize the emotion in Stevens’ lyrics. Who knew that songs featuring choirs could span so many genres and generations over two hours of your requests? You can hear […]

Nashville’s music community reacts to deadly school shooting

Nashville’s music community expressed empathy, anger and frustration in the wake of a deadly school shooting that took the lives of three children and three adult staff members this morning. Our sister station, WPLN, has ongoing coverage of the shooting with reaction from local and state officials. We surveyed Twitter and Instagram for the conversations […]

Bands of brothers

On the birthday of my one and only sibling, my brother Miles, I played all bands that include blood brothers. In some cases multiple sets and in some cases TWINS! Your requests were numerous and thoughtful, so please enjoy the archived show and also the names of the brothers, which might come in handy at […]

Pressed in a book on Thank You for Libraries Day

From some of our earliest ages — maybe being read to at home, if we were so blessed, then exploring school libraries (remember the Scholastic Book Fair and the pure jubilation of those days?!) — flipping through real books assists in our development as people. On Thank You for Libraries Day, we celebrated access to […]

Brassville aims to reclaim the deep scope of Nashville music history, stage by stage

In Instagram footage of Brassville’s very first performance back in 2019, four founding members of the band can be seen taking a distinct sonic strategy to the streets of Nashville. They chose an evening when they knew that NFL draft festivities hosted by the city would draw the tourist hordes, and set up on a […]